So if your original prisoner had some crummy trait like a chronic cough that can alert enemies, your next prisoner may get a great trait like being able to unlock doors quicker. Your prisoners each have genetic traits that can have positive and negative effects.

Plus, getting a new prisoner can have added bonuses. So even though you may have to stock up on supplies all over again, you still have all the things you've built, which is what really matters. On the first pages we have prepared a detailed overview and key guidelines to Void Bastards. It's going to help you in solving potential problems that may arise during your gameplay.

However, your crafted items, parts, and materials remain on the ship. The unofficial guide to Void Bastards provides information about all game features and answers all the difficult questions. You do lose supplies like food, fuel, merits, and ammo, and you have to start from the beginning of the map. After all, there's a literal shipload of prisoners ready to be re-hydrated, and sent out to continue the mission. Void Bastards is a little more forgiving, and death doesn't exactly mean the end of your adventure. You typically lose all your buffs, weapons, items, and anything else you've gathered, forcing you to start back from square one. Loot containers primarily offer materials and ammo, but one container per ship will typically have a craftable part that will be the primary focus of your incursion. Dying in a roguelike is usually a major setback. Loot in Void Bastards comes in many flavors, both loose and in containers food, fuel, materials, ammo, and occasionally merits.